Sunday, 18 June 2017

Journal Entry 2 - Blogging!

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone๐Ÿ’• I really hope that all of us are in a good state of health and having a good time with your loved one. So, as usual I will update about my life and what I have learnt in ICT's class this week.   This week is quite interesting as I learnt about Blogging! It makes me remember my high school memory as having a blog at that time was considered as following the trend ๐Ÿ˜‚

This week, our lecturer asked us to create our gmail first and it will be using for whole 13 weeks in the class.   Then, we learnt again on how to create a blog. It was fun as everyone in this class seems so excited about having a blog.   Today I am surprise that actually we have different kind of blog.   All this while, I thought that all blog were same.   They are divided into 4 types of blog which are:

  • Weblog
  • Tutor Blog 
  • Class Blog
  • Learner Blog 

Weblog is the common blog just like what I have right now and it is an open public domain.  It can be updated anytime and same as an online journal.   Secondly,tutor blog.  It is a blog that run by the teacher and made up of teaching material.  Thirdly, class blog.  It is a site that can be shared among class members.   Both teachers and students are able to post in the main section and also the comment.  Lastly, learner blog.  It is students own personal blog that can be used as online journal.

As we all know that anything that related with internet technology gives a lot of benefits.   Blogging is one of the useful technology that can help students in many ways.  Blogging can provide extra reading material for students, can be used as an online learner journal, encourage shy students to participate in the lesson and many more.   Everything has its own disadvantages and same goes with blogging.  The disadvantages that can be found are it is difficult to do corrections on students work because teacher cannot have 2 way communication to correct the students' mistakes and also can have unmoderated comments.

As for conclusion, I do agree that blogging can give us a lot of useful input as long as we use it in the correct and proper ways.  Since I have my own blog now, I will keep on updating my blog from time to time. Till we meet again. Wishing all of you a joyous and blessed Ramadhan❤

Monday, 12 June 2017

Journal Entry 1 - Introduction to Internet Technology for Language Learning!

           Assalamualaikum and hello everyone!  I really hope that all of us are having a great day on this holy month ๐Ÿ’“ So, this is the second week for my ICT class.   I am very excited to explore and learn many great things about Internet Technology in this class.  As for this week, we were introduced about the course information and what are we going to learn in this class. As I expected, this course will introduce more about the use of internet and also the other great technologies that can be used as a tool for language learning.   It is important and very useful for me as  my course focused more on development of language.   

          Beside that, I can learn and explore more about the use of variety computer software that have nowadays.   It is such a good opportunity for me to learn about computer software because I am interested about it since I was in school.   Plus, I can find out more application that have in and out of a language classroom.   Then, I will also learn about the basics of designing applications and do it by myself.   It can be use for language learning and testing to make the learning process more interesting.  So, I am looking forward to learn more about Internet Technology in this course!

That is all for now. Till we meet again ๐Ÿ˜˜  

Journal Entry 13 - Last Class!

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone!  I hope that all of us are having a great time.   So, today I had an ICT's quiz and it means that...