Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Journal Entry 8 - Powtoon!

Assalamualaikum and Hello everyone! I hope that all of you having a great time with your loved one. As usual,  I will update about what I have learnt in the class this week.   Basically, our topic this week is important to learn as it is related with our new assignment.   So, we have learn about Powtoon!   It was really interesting.   Actually, I know about it when I was in diploma study but I still do not have time to explore about it.   It is because I am quite a traditional person that still stick to PowerPoint😂

However, I do agree that Powtoon is actually an awesome tools that improve the development of presentation🙌  You can make your presentation just like a short movie and include other interesting clips.   So, I totally suggest to others to use Powtoon when you want to do any presentation.

So, here I include a clip that shows the differences of Powtoon and Powerpoint!

Friday, 7 July 2017

Journal Entry 7 - Podcasts!

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone!  How was your day?  I hope that all of us are in a good state of health and having a great time with your loved one😘  So, as usual it is time for me to updating my journal and tell you guys what I have learnt this week.  Today, I have learnt something new which is Podcasts.   Basically, Podcast is an audio or video file.   It can be broadcast via the internet and can be downloaded to your computer or mobile device.   The term of Podcast is actually comes from iPod.

As a student, I do love and enjoying using Podcasts because I can use it anytime and anywhere.  It can be use for entertainment or even for education. This week, I have a special task from my lecturer.  I need to make my very own Podcasts!  I am excited to complete the task but at the same time I feel awkward to recorded my own voice😂

So, this is my own kind of Podcats.   I did a story telling from the popular story book which is Snow White.  I hope that you enjoy listen to the audiobook and please don't laugh at my voice! hahaha

That is all for today's entry and till we meet again next week!  Have great day ahead guys😎

Journal Entry 6 - Instructional Design!

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone!😀  Welcome back to our college's life.  It was great to have a long holiday for our Hari Raya's celebration😊  Lets start our day with a wonderful beginning.  As I promise, I will keep updating my blog and give reflection on what I have learnt in this course.   So, today I have learn about Instructional Courseware Design.  Creating instructional courseware design can enhance the experience in learning something because it makes the knowledge and skill more efficient, effective and appealing.   This topic somehow related with what I have learnt during my diploma.   It included the concept of Behaviourist and Constructivist learning theories.   It is a theory that train human or animals to follow the instruction by repeating the same act.   

As for Instructional Courseware Design, it involves creating computer courseware for learning.   For me, it really help the development of education by involves this type of courseware design in learning and teaching process. Students can enhance their understanding and knowledge more because it can identifies what the learner's need to learn.  It really great for education as it designed for use inside and outside of lesson.

It also have a framework for the development of instructional coursework which are :
  • Analysis
  • Design
  • Development
  • Implementation
  • Evaluation 
In a nutshell, I personally agree that Instructional Courseware Design is totally helpful in the development of education because it makes us understanding more about the lesson.

I think that is all for now and I am looking forward for the next entry.  Have a good day everyone!

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Journal Entry 5 - Computer Mediated and ESL!

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone💁 I hope that all of us are in the good state of health and enjoying your life with full of happiness!  As for today, i will update my new journal on what i have learnt in the class. This is the last week of class before we have our Hari Raya's holiday.   Most of our soul are travelling in our hometown 😂 So, this week we only have one class and we have learnt about Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) and ESL.  When i heard about the topic, i seriously have no idea of what the topic is all about.  Then, after listen to the explanation, I just realized that we actually use CMC in our daily life.

CMC is any form of communication or interaction between two people. It is something that we often use such as Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter and many more.   CMC can also be used in education.  It started long time ago in the late 1980s and 1990s and became widespread with the use of Email and Forums.   It is implemented for long-distance teaching and learning.   CMC in education increase it popularity through forums and video conferencing.

CMC can be divided into 2 parts:

  • Asyncrhonous CMC
  • Synchronous CMC.    
Asynchronous CMC is messages that are not exchanges and replied immediately such as emails, social media, internet forums, message boards and blogs.   While synchronous CMC is communication between participants that messages can be exchanges and replied immediately.   Some of the example of synchronous CMC are internet chat rooms, messanger or video conferencing.

All of things developed have their own advantages and disadvantages.   Some of advantages of CMC are ther is no distance barrier, mitigates time as a barrier, can makes collaborations much easier and improve social influences between each others.   The disadvantages of CMC are users can have problems with access to technology, lack of socio-emotional and nonverbal cues and people will lack of real human contact.

In a nutshell, CMC is a useful in education as it help us to learn a lot of things without barriers.   So, it is important for us to use it in a good way and do not misinterpreted it.

That is all for today's entry. Till we meet again and I wish all of you a great day ahead!💕

Journal Entry 4 - Search Engines!

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone💕 I really hope that all of us are in a good state of health and having a good time with your loved one. So, as usual I will update about my life and what I have learnt in ICT's class this week.   This week is quite interesting as I learnt something new about internet technology called Search Engines and Online Database.   When we talked about search engines, the first things that appear in my mind was only.😂   It is because it is the most popular search engine that commonly used by the whole world.   Actually, search engines and online database has a lot more things to be explore and could really help us to make our life easier.

                                    A picture during the lesson 😉

I have learn that search engines like Google, Yahoo and many more used software that can collects all the data from web and include in its database.   It was an interesting knowledge for me.  Not to forget, each search engines has its own database.   That is why when you search something form different search engines, the information or data appear might be different.   Then, I also learnt about parts of a search engines.   Basically, it is divided into 4 parts which are database, web crawlers or spiders, user interface and info retrieval system.   Furthermore, I am amazed that our web is actually have 3 different stages which are surface web, deep web and dark web.   For a common people like us, we only able to use surface web as it is open to anyone and can be access anytime.   Deep web and dark web are web that can be access by specific people that belong to some organization or someone that have high skill of computer like hackers, organization and government.

As a conclusion for this week lesson, from my personal point of view, ICT is something interesting and full of surprise.   The more you learn, the more you will get and give benefit to you.   So, that is all for this week journal💤 I hope that you enjoy read my journal.   Till we meet again and have a good day😉

Journal Entry 3 - Introduction and Evolution of CALL!

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone💁I hope that all of us are in the good state of health and enjoying your life with full of happiness!  As for today, i will update my new journal on what i have learnt in the class this week.  The topic for this week is Introduction and Evolution of CALL.  It sounds interesting isn't it?😙 First of all, have you ever wondered what is the definition of CALL?  CALL is actually the short form of Computer Assisted Language Learning.  This term is used to refers about the area of technology and second language teaching and learning.   The best thing that can be achieved from CALL is we can improves our language through it.   CALL involves materials designs, technologies, pedagogical theories and modes of instruction.

CALL can be divided into 4 programs which are CALL-Specific Software, Generic Software, Web-based Learning Programs and CMC.   CALL-Specific Software is an applications designed specifically to facilitate language learning through games, web-based exercise and many more.  Next, Generic Software is applications that are widely used around the world and really make or life easier such as microsoft word, microsoft power point and E-Books.   Then, Web-based Learning Software is an applications that co-opted for use as tools for language teaching and learning such as online dictionary, onlibe encyclopedia, blogs and others.   Lastly, Computer Mediated Communication is website designed to facilitate online communication and it divided into 2 parts which are Synchronous and Asynchrous.

We cannot denied the important of computers in our education.   Computer can act as tutor for language drills, tool for writing and research, medium for global communication and also as a teaching aid.   If we used computer in a good way then it definitely can be a useful technology that can help us to improves our life! As a conclusion, we should appreciate all the application developed around us and use it in a good way because we can learn and achieve a lot of knowledge from it 😎 

That's all for today.  See you in the next entry! Have a great day💕

Journal Entry 13 - Last Class!

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone!  I hope that all of us are having a great time.   So, today I had an ICT's quiz and it means that...