Thursday, 6 July 2017

Journal Entry 3 - Introduction and Evolution of CALL!

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone💁I hope that all of us are in the good state of health and enjoying your life with full of happiness!  As for today, i will update my new journal on what i have learnt in the class this week.  The topic for this week is Introduction and Evolution of CALL.  It sounds interesting isn't it?😙 First of all, have you ever wondered what is the definition of CALL?  CALL is actually the short form of Computer Assisted Language Learning.  This term is used to refers about the area of technology and second language teaching and learning.   The best thing that can be achieved from CALL is we can improves our language through it.   CALL involves materials designs, technologies, pedagogical theories and modes of instruction.

CALL can be divided into 4 programs which are CALL-Specific Software, Generic Software, Web-based Learning Programs and CMC.   CALL-Specific Software is an applications designed specifically to facilitate language learning through games, web-based exercise and many more.  Next, Generic Software is applications that are widely used around the world and really make or life easier such as microsoft word, microsoft power point and E-Books.   Then, Web-based Learning Software is an applications that co-opted for use as tools for language teaching and learning such as online dictionary, onlibe encyclopedia, blogs and others.   Lastly, Computer Mediated Communication is website designed to facilitate online communication and it divided into 2 parts which are Synchronous and Asynchrous.

We cannot denied the important of computers in our education.   Computer can act as tutor for language drills, tool for writing and research, medium for global communication and also as a teaching aid.   If we used computer in a good way then it definitely can be a useful technology that can help us to improves our life! As a conclusion, we should appreciate all the application developed around us and use it in a good way because we can learn and achieve a lot of knowledge from it 😎 

That's all for today.  See you in the next entry! Have a great day💕

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